Small Team, Small Budget, Immense Security Requirements
In case you missed our outstanding Best Practices for Securing Your Campus event with top thought leaders, click on the image to link to the recording and a PDF of the presentation deck. You already know that K-20 campus cyberattacks are on the rise. Learn the best way to build a safer and more secure campus environment in this informative webinar.
Making A Major University’s Digitization Blueprint A Reality
A major Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) institution’s information technology (IT) team received approval to build out their transformational, data-driven Digitization Blueprint. Their Digitization Blueprint serves as a strategic framework for...Funding For Innovative Solutions To Bridge The Digital Divide & Improve Public Services
Real-world solutions and access to experts about applying for and using government funding to efficiently and securely deploy Smart City, broadband fiber, and wireless technologies to enable advanced public services and Internet access.
Essential Elements To Achieving Secure Access Secure Edge (SASE)
SASE is a forward-thinking framework in which networking and security functions converge into a single integrated solution that works at the cloud edge to deliver protection and performance in one simplified approach. Hear details on investing in a long-term security strategy.
Securing Your Internet of Things (IoT) Program: Three Real-World Examples
Your evolving IoT landscape requires a solid security framework. Learn from technology leaders about real-world examples of Smart communities, utilities, and buildings focused on strategy, technical insights, and best practices. Hear details on how to improve security in an IoT ecosystem.