Collaboration & Mobility

Making sure people are communicating and working together.

Mobile devices, cloud platforms, and workspace management software effectively free businesses and their employees from location and time constraints.

With increasing access to information and people, teams can consist of talented individuals located anywhere in the world. However, just bringing together capable people doesn’t guarantee success. For collaboration to work, the right tools need to be adopted and used. Flexibility through mobile and seamless workflow are mandatory for maximizing productivity. Project deliverables and team communications have to transfer smoothly from desktop to laptop to tablet and to mobile devices.

Many companies still struggle with integrating the best collaboration and mobility technology to achieve their performance goals.

Collaboration and Mobility

What Is Collaboration and Mobility?

People are an organization’s greatest assets. Providing them a seamless means to collaborate creates opportunities to accelerate innovation. Your teams expect technology to be user friendly and integrate easily with their other tools and applications to enable them to focus on value-add activities and increase productivity and performance.

Collaboration and mobility are the key drivers of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. When supporting your local or international teams, you need a solution to provide everyone a way to collaborate, share files, and access files wherever they are. By developing a collaboration and mobility business strategy in advance, organizations can determine which options have the least impact on overhead costs.

Today, organizations want outcome-based collaboration. Senior management is very interested in how collaboration and mobility services help teams achieve their specific performance goals. To be successful, your teams need to access business contacts, applications, files, and modes of communication (e.g., chat, voice, video, desktop sharing, conferencing) from any device (e.g., desktop, laptop, mobile phone, tablet), from any location, at any time.

Senior management also wants solutions that have built-in interoperability and connectivity to all other business messaging and collaboration tools. This enables them to empower their teams to collaborate with external business partners on their own, without having to constantly rely on IT for help.

What are the Components of a Collaboration and Mobility Solution?

Some of the unified communications collaboration and mobility solution components are below.


  • Communication
    • Voice, Voice over IP (VoIP), video call, voicemail
    • Email
    • Instant messaging (IM) and Presence information
    • Facsimile (Fax)
    • Hypertext
    • Persistent chat systems
    • Call control, speech recognition, and multimodal communications
    • Unified messaging (integrated voicemail, Email, IM, and Fax).
  • Coordination
    • Online group Calendars
    • Time trackers
    • Spreadsheets
    • Workflow systems
    • Decision support systems
  • Cooperation
    • Web, Audio, and Videoconferencing
    • Internet teleconferencing
    • Interactive whiteboards
    • Desktop sharing
    • Data sharing
    • Smart meeting spaces


  • Secure remote network access via virtual private network (VPN)
  • Single phone number reach
  • Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC)
  • Mobile Device Management (MDM)
  • Mobile Identity Management (MIM)
  • Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)
  • Business Process Integration (BPI)

Collaboration and mobility training tools are especially important.

What are the benefits of a modern Collaboration and Mobility solution?

To increase employee productivity and performance, collaboration and mobility aim to securely improve workplace communications, content management, document management, and information flow across the organization.

Collaboration and mobility tools can enable a workforce to conduct business and share information more efficiently, providing an innovation advantage. When tools are implemented correctly, social collaboration can be the difference between growth and stagnation.

Companies face constant change and disruption, triggered by rapidly evolving markets and technologies. Agile businesses can remain competitive in this environment, by making the right decisions at the right time. The key to maximizing your organization’s agility, and ultimately their productivity, is through a collaboration and mobility infrastructure delivering robust, pervasive human communications and application access for all your teams.

Some of the key benefits of collaboration and mobility solutions are:

  • Workplace Flexibility: Employees have the ability to work from any location, at any time, on just about any device. Employees can work fully remote, in office, or an entire spectrum of hybrid workplace options.
  • Agility: Collaboration and mobility solutions form a digital infrastructure that enables organizations to pivot seamlessly from an on-site to mobile workforce, depending on the situation and need. Business demands change quickly, and an effective digital infrastructure allows organizations to rapidly adapt to any disruptions, ensuring business continuity.
  • Increased Productivity: Collaboration and mobility solutions enable teams to meet and collaborate as if they are in the same room, at any time from any location. Research has shown that remote and hybrid scenarios promote a more productive workforce, and increase employee retention.
  • Security: Cyberattacks pose an ever-present threat to any organization. Collaboration and mobility solutions allow teams to work and communicate from remote locations while leveraging effective cybersecurity solutions to ensure that data is protected and access to the organization’s network is secure.
  • Speed Up Decision Making: Improve the speed of decision-making by reducing delays in communication. Cloud communication, virtual meeting platforms, and mobile apps allow teams to communicate with greater efficiency, reducing the time necessary to make decisions.
  • Cost Reduction: Collaboration and mobility solutions reduce costs associated with travel, real estate, commuting, and more by enabling seamless communication while decreasing the need for in-person meetings or on-site work.

Networking For Future (NFF) Solutions

When choosing or migrating to collaboration and mobility solutions, you need to select an integration partner with extensive experience.  NFF offers 25 years of experience in collaboration and mobility solution design, implementation, and migration processes.

During the transition from in-person to remote and hybrid work scenarios, effective communication, training, and support are the mainstay of NFF’s successful collaboration and mobility integration projects.  Our solutions enable your teams to work and communicate securely from remote locations, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Impactful ways you can leverage the interconnected NFF unified communications solution:

  • Collaboration is moving beyond voice and video 

As the collaboration space continues to evolve, organizations need to deploy software applications that provide employees with the dexterity necessary to thrive in today’s business world.

  • Training on collaboration and mobility applications

A collaboration and mobility application cannot just be another desktop icon that nobody knows how to use. Instead, software applications need to become immersive environments that provide teams with everything they need to get their jobs done. Employees will be able to collaborate with their coworkers and their external business partners in real time  —  no matter which platforms they’re using.

  • Enhance your visibility, knowledge, and control

Communication across mobile applications is faster and simpler than keeping up with long email threads. Your teams can leverage constant updates on progress, challenges, and business operations, empowering faster and smarter decision-making.

  • Improve workflow and project management

With mobility, you can improve organizational processes by sending and receiving real-time reports while actively monitoring progress onsite. These technologies give you and your organization’s stakeholders an active view into projects and builds as they occur — enabling greater transparency so your workforce can proactively navigate challenges before they become serious roadblocks.

  • Ensure security

Collaboration and mobility solutions allow for teams to access the company network and sensitive data from remote locations, driving efficiency and innovation. However, increased access from offsite locations presents the risk of cyberattack. Ensuring that user access and connections are secure is absolutely critical. NFF utilizes a zero-trust approach to ensure that only authorized users have access to the network and sensitive data, preventing a devastating cyberattack.

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